04 December 2005

The Lingua Franca of Horsepower.

Almost nobody outside Finland speaks Finnish, and that’s a mother-effing shame.

For my part, I’m trying to learn the International Language of Speed because I believe doing so is my sacred duty as a Nitromaniac.

Think about it: how much of a total disaster would it be if, during one of your semi-annual pilgrimages to Helskini, you ran into Kimi Raikkonen blacked out at a strip joint—and you couldn’t drop any science on him?

Here’s what I’m gonna do for you. Below is a list of all the terms you need to know to go drinking and whoring with Kimi in Finland.

As an added bonus, each term is linked to a .wav file demonstrating the proper pronunciation.

Good luck, and try not to get arrested too much…


Hyvää huomenta! = Good morning!

Iso tuoppi! = Could I have a pint of beer, please?

Kiitos! = Thank you.

Kippis! = Cheers!

Tämä on hyvää! = This is good!

[Repeat as necessary.]

Moi! = Hi!

Sinulla on kauniit siniset silmät. = You have beautiful blue eyes.

Hauska tavata! = Nice to meet you.

Sisään! = Come in, please!

Anteeksi = Sorry!

[No word yet on how to say “STOP: bukkake time!”]

Saanko laskun? = I would like to pay you.

Minulla oli mukavaa. = I had a nice time.

Näkemiin! = Goodbye