12 November 2006

Time waits for no man (with the obvious exception of Mika Haitch)

Here's a little something for you to mull over during the winter non-racing season. Guy takes a picture of himself every day for 6 years (so far). Then he strings it together into a short film. Here's the result:

It's a pretty interesting work, I thought, but sad. An hour longer, and it would be his whole effing life.

Then again, if you mute the soul-crushing Moonlight Sonata-style minor arpeggios in the background, suddenly the situation's not so dire. Replace the soundtrack with Johnny Cash's "I've Been Everywhere" and the movie goes from existential statement to comedy in short order.

And if you replace that with Dope's "Die Motherfucker Die," it goes back to disturbing.


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